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Careers Fair Thankyou and Feedback

Dear Parent/Carer

A massive thankyou to all pupils, parents and carers who attended Wednesday’s Careers Fair. To get such a high turnout for the second year in a row is testament to the support you all have for the school. The pupils that attended were intuitive, keen and mature in their approach. We hope that the conversations that they had and information they obtained will be invaluable in helping them to prepare for some big decisions in the coming months, no matter what year they are in.

A special thankyou to the many Parents/Carers that also attended as stall holders and shared their experiences.

We are already looking ahead to the next Careers Fair and there is no better time to obtain some feedback from last week to ensure our next one is even bigger and better. If you or your son/daughter attended, could you please take 2 minutes of your time to click on the following link and complete the form:

Many Thanks

The Careers Team



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